We’ve Moved!
PCCM has a new, expanded location at 101 Magness Dr., McMinnville TN. We are so excited about the opportunities this new facility will provide to our clients and community.
At the end of 2023, PCCM secured the old Farm Bureau Insurance location through a compassionate connection and we are were able to complete our remodel of the facility and our move in March of this year. We held our Open House and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on April 2nd. This expansion will allow us to serve more clients and will extend our ministry’s reach deeper into the community of Warren County. We would like to thank all those that helped to make this move possible.
First Quarter Birth Announcements
Invest In Life Baby Bottle Fundraiser and Pledge Drive
One of our main fundraisers is our annual “Invest In Life” Baby Bottle and Pledge Drive. This will begin on Mother’s Day and end on Father’s Day.
In 2023 we had our first annual “Invest In Life” Baby Bottle and Pledge Drive. We were excited to set out on this adventure. We ordered baby bottles, and our volunteers got busy contacting several local churches, but nowhere near all of them. We were overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from these churches as they passed out their baby bottles on Mother’s Day and collected them to return on Father’s Day. Even churches that were not contacted by us, heard by word-of-mouth from other community members, and they brought in jars filled with change. Then, there were some who just stopped by the center to drop off a check. It truly was amazing to witness the outpouring of our local faith community in this first attempt at an extended, county-wide fundraiser.
“I am blown away by the success of this fundraiser! Can you imagine if all churches participated?”
Lynesa Bell (PCCM Marketing & Fundraising)
For this year’s fundraiser, we are hoping to contact even more churches and we will be including local businesses and civic organizations that wish to participate. We will need your help with this endeavor. Please reach out to us if your church, business or civic organization did not participate last year, but would like to be included this year!
However, our biggest need is the second part of this fundraiser, and that is monthly pledge donations. This will allow us to pay the rent and utilities on our beautiful, new facility!
“If 50 churches would commit to donating $100 a month, it would be life changing for the ministry of PCCM.”
Jennifer Wilson (PCCM Director)
Save the Date
The staff and volunteers of PCCM have already started planning our annual More Than Imagined event fundraiser for 2024! Please be sure to mark your calendars for Thursday evening, August 15th. This will be a very special event and nothing like we’ve ever hosted before. You won’t want to miss this. And we are believing that the Lord will do as He always has where this ministry is concerned, and bless us beyond all we could ask, think or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)
Please commit to pray for each one of these updates, our clients, our staff, our volunteers and our board members.